
 St. Anthony's Corner

    “To say ‘Lord, Lord’ in the right sense means to believe with our hearts, praise God with our lips, and bear witness to him by our deeds. If one of these is lacking, we are not confessing but denying God; if our life belies our belief, it counts nothing to shout God’s praises.”   —-St. Anthony


Like a Light to the World

Apostolic Commissions:  “Justice and Peace
"Let them individually and collectively be in the forefront in promoting justice by the testimony of their human lives and their courageous initiatives. Especially in the field of public life, they should make definite choices in harmony with their faith.”
(Rule of SFO,par 15)

TASK: to determine ways to help the poor by changing systems and by direct action.
Chairs: Lester Brown and Joe Garcia

Walk With the God of Justice
An interparish group concerned with the Catholic Church’s teachings on social justice meets every 2nd & 4th mondays at Risen Savior Church at 7:00 pm. If interested, call Rena.
  Globalization, rather than making us aware that we are all one people-brothers and sisters- seems to be making us all one “corporation.” The excesses of our free market economy have had some harmful effects globally and locally-such as sweatshops.

 “In their family, they should cultivate the Franciscan spirit of peace, fidelity, and respect for life, striving to make of it a sign of a world already renewed in Christ.” (Rule of SF, par. 17)
*FAMILY LIFE coordinates the activities of the different Family Life ministries. Family Life acts as a facilitator to ease and improve communication among these ministries and between each Family Life ministry and the Archdiocese. Family Life acts as a resource to provide information, materials, and workshops to each ministry and to the parishes as needed. DIRECTOR: Heddy Long.

A weekend designed for good marriages to become better marriages. On a weekend a couple is provided complete privacy while they strengthen their communication with each other. For more information call Robert & Renee Baca.


The original one-act play, “St. Francis: Troubadour of God’s Peace”, will be performed by the widely acclaimed actor, Leonardo DeFilippis at St. Bernadette Church on Friday, Sept. 25, 1998 at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $7.50 and available at the parish office at St. Bernadette. Meet the actor at the reception following his performance. For more information call 298-7557.

 CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Johnson on their 35th wedding anniversary. Their beautiful children gave them a trip to Medjugorje as a wedding gift. They plan to attend the beatification of Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac by Pope John Paul II on October 1st in Croatia.

Next month a report from Marcie Johnson on the 24th Southwest Catholic Charismatic  Conference and her observations.

In Order to Serve

  Perhaps this would better be named “notes from deacon school” or some such thing. During the next four years as my family and myself progress through the diaconal process I’m hoping to share the journey with you by way of reflections ‘along the road to Emmaus.’ Your prayers would be most welcome.
Pax et Bonum,
Michael Lente and Family!



Remember, the library is open after the meetings!

As we approach the feast of St. Francis, we encourage members to read one of the
many books in the library on Francis.
The Perfect Joy of St. Francis by Felix  Timmermans
The Francis Book by Roy M. Gasnick,OFM
          Here’s a book for you to enjoy a little at a time or in large gulps; To read as a devotional exercise or as an explanation of a vital thread in world history. It reveals as never before the undiminished power of St. Francis’ words and deeds to startle us, to delight us, to enrich our lives.
How do we help? What is the goal of  Christian Ministry” Richard Rohr,OFM
Balancing Incarnative and Redemptive Spirituality” Richard Rohr,OFM
The American Church Looks to the Future”  Richard Rohr,OFM
Franciscan Joy” Rev. Mother Mary Francis
Video: “Angels, the Mysterious Messengers” 

Four Hundred Years of Faith
This year we are celebrating the 400th anniversary of that first missionary expedition as well as the
100th anniversary of the arrival of the friars from Cincinnati to proclaim the Gospel among the
Navajo people. Many events are taking place. October 3, 1998 at St. Michael Mission, St.
Michael’s, AZ
Registration: 9:30-10:30 am
Four Act Play: 10:30-11:15 am
Mass of Thanksgiving: 11:30 am-1:30pm A Meal will be served after mass in the parish hall. 

Feast of St. Francis
Archdiocesan wide celebration of the second vespers of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi in honor
of the work the Franciscans have done and continue to do in New Mexico.
October 4, 1998
Time: 5:00 pm at the Cathedral in Santa Fe. All fraternity members are encouraged to attend.
Celebration of the Transitus will be cancelled due to the many events taking place.

Fourteenth Annual Rocky Mountain Franciscan Gathering
at Holy Family Parish Center. Theme: Franciscan Spirituality for the Third Millenium. Cost is
$25.00/ person. If you are in need of a scholarship, contact Christina. Date: October 9-10 at Holy
Family Center in Albuquerque. See all of you there!