
24th Southwest Charismatic Conference 
Sister Death 
 Paz y Bien from the Infirmarian 
SFO International Council Weekly News 
 Calendar of Saints/Feast Days: October 
Classes and Meetings 
St. Anthony's Corner 
 Like a Light to the World 
 In Order to Serve 

24th Southwest Charismatic Conference
Special Report by Marcie Johnson

  Louise Baca, Sophie Layva, Avelina Battaglia and Lydia Wroten recently attended the Charismatic Conference at the Glorieta Conference Center from August 21-23 1998.
  Without radio or television the experience was uplifting and enjoyable. Among the many workshops to select from (including some in Spanish) were also sessions for children and youth
groups. This allowed for a well rounded gathering comprising all age ranges.
  The early part of that friday was spent visiting the Santa Maria de la Paz Church in Santa Fe as well as the multicultural museum.
  Many wonderful speakers were heard throughout the conference which included several priests.
  The final day of the conference saw the celebration of the Mass by Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
    The conference theme, “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me” was felt by all present as the outpouring of the Spirt of God was truely upon all God’s people!


Fr. Paul Juniet, OFM- Spiritual Assistant

"Sister Death"

  On November 2d each year we reflect on our journey into death. St. Francis reflected openly shortly before his own death when he added the final stanza to the Canticle: “All praise be yours, my
Lord, through Sister Death, From whose embrace no mortal can escape. Woe to those who die in mortal sin! Happy those She finds doing your  will! The second death can do no harm to them. Praise and bless my Lord, and give him thanks, And serve him with great humility.”
  As Francis prepared for death he wanted to be found totally doing God’s will. He asked that the friars lay him on the earth totally naked to symbolize his total release of all possessions of  this earth. Brother Elias ordered Francis under Holy Obedience to accept and wear his habit. Doing the will of God in obedience Francis complied. He was ready.
  He asked that the Gospel of John, Chapter 13, be read about the washing of feet. His whole life had been letting the Lord wash his feet and then washing the feet of others. Then Francis asked the friars to pray Psalm 142 with him. As the words “Lead me forth from prison that I may give thanks to your holy name” were being prayed, Francis released his life and spirit to the Lord.
  We, too, as we remember those who have gone before us in death, must reflect on our own journey to death. It should not be a journey to a dreaded end, but a journey to a transition into fuller life. By obedience t the will of God in our own lives each day we, like Francis, go through death into life.
 The other year when by brother learnt that he had pancreatic cancer, his first  reaction was to try to beat it. Gradually as learnt that it was fatal, he decided he was going to live until he died. He was able to celebrate what life he had. His last Christmas with his family celebrated his being there.
  Each day of our lives is a gift to be opened and lived in the fullness of God’s will. How we live our gift determines how we greet Sister Death. Let us celebrate our lives and be ready as Francis to say: “Lead me forth from prison that I may give thanks to your holy name.”
Peace & Good


 “Paz y Bien” From the Infirmarian:

  • Frances Vigil is requesting prayers for her family, the Baca Family, and for her
    great grandaughter, Felicia Baca.

    “Remember that your compassion, O Lord,
    and your kindness are from old.
    In your kindness remember me
    because of your goodness, O Lord.”
    (Ps. 25,Readings from Sacred Scripture
    Pastoral Care of the Sick, p.320 )


    FROM: CIOFS BULLETIN, 1998, VOL 4    N.40  October I
    OFM Cap.Plen.Council

    .   Evangelical poverty is one of the main distinguishing characteristics of the Franciscan presence in the world. Living the evangelical ideal of poverty always remains a challenge and a call to reform within the Order.
      We are not only called to be poor friars but poor fraternities. Hence, it is not simply a question of developing a theology of poverty, but of offering motivation, practical applications, technical
    information, and updating ourselves. The perspective from which we wish to develop our reflection on evangelical poverty is that of the fraternity. Fraternity is the theological context and key for
    discerning how to live evangelical poverty in the concrete.
      One advantage we have is the gift of ouruniversality. This gift of universality is a privileged characteristic bestowed on our Order in the modern age by the Holy Spirit and affords us a firsthand overview of the full spectrum of gospel challenges. At the same time, this gift of universality carries with it a special responsibility to devise an evangelical response, in word and and action, that is
    consistent with our charism.
      Speaking of poverty, in what social class or category would we place ourselves? Although poverty should always and everywhere be our special characteristic, we will never be able to identify fully
    with one particular social class. The very fact that our poverty is voluntary already distinguishes us from those who have not chosen to be poor, but find themselves such by circumstances or fate.
      Amid the questions of how to evaluate our poverty, we need to be able to look at ourselves through the eyes of others. It is important to know whether or not, in the various countries and
    regions, others recognize us as poor.



    “You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the
    LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled.”
          Joshua 23:14

    Calendar of Saints/Feast Days: October

    Month of the Holy Rosary
    Oct. 7: Our Lady of the Rosary
     Oct. 11: Rosary Rally.  Albuq.Sports Stadium.
    “Pray the Rosary every day.”
    4.   Our Holy Father Francis, deacon, founder of  Three Franciscan Orders. Solemnity.
    6.   St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds, virgin  of III Ord. Opt. Mem. for III Ord.
    10. Sts. Daniel, priest, and companions,martyrs  of I Ord. Opt. Mem.
    12. St. Seraphin of Montegranaro, rel. of I Ord.  Opt. Mem.
    20. Bl. Contardo Ferrini, III Ord. Opt. Mem.
    21. Bl. Josephine Leroux,virgin and martyr of II  Ord. Opt. Mem. for II and III Ord. nuns.
    22. St. Peter of Alcantara, priest of I Ord. Mem.

    October 4
        Francesco Bernardone was born in Assisi, Italy, in 1181 or 1182. The son of a wealthy silk merchant, Francis lived a life of comfort and pleasure. As a young soldier and prisoner of war, he survived severe illness and gave up the idea of being a knight. Perceiving a call to serve God and the poor, he chose the way of poverty and self-denial. In 1206, he felt called to repair God’s house and followed the command literally.
        His angry father disinherited him, calling him a madman. Francis began to live on alms and continued to repair churches. In 1209 he understood that his work was to build up the Church by  preaching repentance. His zeal for God won disciples and the pope gave Francis and his 12 companions a commission to preach. By 1219, they were 5000. In September 1224 Francis
    received the stigmata and died at Assisi on the evening of October 3, 1226.

    November 1&2:All Saints and All Souls Day

      As November approaches, we prepare once again to celebrate the feast of All Souls Day, when we remember our dearly departed loved ones in prayer. It is also a time to reflect on our beliefs and
    reaffirm our faith in God’s promise of eternal life for the faithful.
      Paul tells us in his epistle to the Romans that God’s gift to us is eternal life through His Son, whose resurrection destroyed death’s power over us. We hope in the glory promised by God to those
    who love Him and place our trust in Christ’s assurances of this future happiness. Hope allows us to open our hearts in anticipation of an eternity of beauty and joy in heaven.
      It is our hope of this eternal life with God that can support us in times of trial or when we are faced with the passing of someone close to us. We must say good-bye before we are ready to let them go.

    Classes and Meetings

    Oct. 10 at 1:30 pm and Oct. 25 at 1:30 pm at Queen of Angels. Instr.: Joanne Elfers

    Oct. 10 and 25 at 1:00 pm at Queen of Angels.. Instructor: Rena Xuereb.
    Oct. 25 at 1:30-2:30 pm at Queen of Angels. Topic: Series on the Holy Spirit. We will listen to tapes on the Holy Spirit from the conference held in Glorieta, NM “The Spirit of God is upon me.”
    ALL PROFESSED ARE WELCOME. Instructor: Louise Baca

    The Franciscan family, as one among many spiritual families raised up by the Holy Spirit in the Church, unites all members of the People of God...who recognize that they are called to follow Christ in the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi.  
    -The Rule of the Secular 
    Oct. 25 at 2:30 pm at Queen of Angels.  The 30th Sunday in Ordinary time.
     Topic: To be announced.

    Oct. 31 at 1:30 pm at Queen of Angels. PROFESSED MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED

    Fourteenth Annual Rocky Mountain Franciscan Gathering: Holy Family Parish Center
    Theme: Franciscan Spirituality for the Third Millenium
    October 9-10 at Holy Family Center in Albuquerque
    Cost: $25.00/person